Cat Girl Alliance
Posted in HomeBy adminOn 24/11/17Japanator DOES NOT Recommend Cat Girl Alliance. Rorschachs journal. February 2. 8th, 2. Moeblob carcass in the alley this morning, tire tread on burst stomach. The eroge industry is afraid of me. I have seen its true face. Their gameplay is nothing more than mindless tedium and the tedium is full of pornographic art and bad voice acting, and when the sound finally gets too loud all the vermin will go deaf. The accumulated filth of all their moe and loli will foam up about their waists and all the sales executives will look up and shout, Hey, Cat Girl Alliance was fun, right You should buy more eroge And Ill look down and whisper, No. They had a choice, all of them. They could have followed in the footsteps of good visual novels, like Higurashi and Ever 1. Decent games that believed in engaging characters and intelligent storylines. Instead, they followed the droppings of doujin artists and pornographers, and didnt realize that the trail lead over a precipice until it was too late. Dont tell me they didnt have a choice. Find out more after the break. Cat Girl Alliance PC Developer Sekilala. Publisher G Collections. Released February 8, 2. MSRP 3. 4. 9. 5Most of you probably know that Cat Girl Alliance was my first eroge. Mediatek Da Usb Vcom Drivers Windows 8. As such, I was hoping this game would be a good benchmark for me to judge the entire medium by. Unfortunately, I was disappointed this game was little more than a string of pornographic images and accompanying text, barely held together by poor voice acting and something that could be called a plot only in the loosest possible sense of the term. In other words, it sucks. HARD. Cat Girl Alliance revolves around Tachibana Eiji, a character so inept he makes Keitaro look like a savant. Eiji has quite the libido, and gets a raging hard on from the mere presence of anything remotely female. Unsurprisingly, he stumbles across class representative Takahata Rumis Health Club, where she trains girls to liberate themselves sexually. Find reviews, trailers, release dates, news, screenshots, walkthroughs, and more for Cat Girl Alliance here on GameSpot. The club is inhabited by archetypes Im pretty sure were stolen directly from Haruhi. Rumi is the the energetic and enigmatic leader and catgirl futanari who blackmails people into joining her club. Misawa Natsuki is the quiet and totally obedient shy girl who can switch between personalities on command. Azumi Shizuko is the large breasted moeblob, who greets Rumis perverted advances with insincere angry protests and tears. After Eiji is caught masturbating and creating Rorschach blobs with his cum in the nurses office, he is forced to join the Health Club and embark on a fun filled life of endless sex. And thats pretty much all the plot there is. This game doesnt so much have a coherent story as much as a sequence of events. Gameplay. Cat Girl Alliance, in traditional fashion, is played by watching and listening to episodic sequences of the game and then selecting or ignoring actions when. SI6YJLHRhns/VQpRJ-fUoVI/AAAAAAAACIE/anoIBTRZE48/s1600/CatPlanetCutiesScreenshot4.jpg' alt='Cat Girl Alliance' title='Cat Girl Alliance' />Eiji and company repeatedly slog through the school day, having mundane conversations about things like bento and exam studying, then engage in various kinds of sex once classes are over. Repeat this plot formula a few dozen times, and youve got Cat Girl Alliance in a nutshell. Its like watching a slice of life show, except with two dimensional characters who make the girls of So Ra No Wo To seem deep and dialogue that feels like it was copypasted from Wikipedias Japanese culture article. The voice acting and music in this game are hardly worth mentioning, as they are generally unremarkable. Of course, knowing Cat Girl Alliances target audience, I expect they care less about the story and more about the art, and this game certainly has no shortage of erotic imagery. While the art was technically good, it wasnt very high resolution. Although it is possible to play the game full screen, when I attempted to do so the images just looked pixellated, like they had been blown up in Photoshop. However, I wasnt too devastated by this since I didnt find the art all that arousing to begin with. This is mainly because all the girls look like over sexualized lolis I prefer my women fully developed and confident, not willowy and blushing. Of course, thats just my opinion. For Cat Girl Alliance on the PC, FAQWalkthrough by IzanamiNoOkami. I am Tachibana Eiji, a regular transfer student. Everything was going fine at my new school, but I was in for a shock one day when I discovered the class president. Cat Girl Alliance revolves around Tachibana Eiji, a character so inept he makes Keitaro look like a savant. Eiji has quite the libido. IGN is the Cat Girl Alliance resource with reviews, wikis, videos, trailers, screenshots, cheats, walkthroughs, previews, news and release dates. D_uOc4eStzY/UcZn1C4UySI/AAAAAAAACJs/rY3JCR0McyA/s1600/Cat+Girl+Alliance+or+Koneko+Doumei+is+a+Visual+Novel+Game+(Eroge+Games)+for+Computer+(PC)' alt='Cat Girl Alliance' title='Cat Girl Alliance' />If youre just looking to enjoy the naughty pictures, Cat Girl Alliance does contain a number of nice features to facilitate this. The games Skip mode allows you to blaze though the text at lighting speed, stopping only at the sections where you have to make a choice which are few and far between. You can also set the game on Auto to automatically scroll though the text at a readable pace. Once youve unlocked a particular image, you can access it at any time via the Extra Mode, which also allows you to replay the sex scenes i. Should you tire of the text, you can press Escape to hide it. All these features make browsing your porn collection very easy and convenient. Now, if only you didnt have to slog though so much aggravatingly mundane dialogue to unlock it. If youre cool with paying 3. Cat Girl Alliance is a good buy. However, if youre expecting anything more than eye candy, I suggest you stay far, far away from this game. Personally, I dont think its worth the money. After all, with so much free anime porn readily available from the good folks at Pixiv, 4chan and Danbooru, why drop so much money on something mediocre Save your dough for the better visual novels. Cat Girl Alliance' title='Cat Girl Alliance' />You are logged out. Login Sign up. Click to open photo gallery.