Phrases For Telephone Game
Posted in HomeBy adminOn 18/10/17This page contains a course in Farsi phrases and daily expressions as well as a list of other lessons in grammar topics and common words in Farsi also called Persian. Dari Phrases. Dari Phrases. Trying to find some Dari phrasesBelow we have listed many useful expressions including Greeting Phrases Farewell Expressions Holidays and Wishes How to Introduce Yourself Romance and Love Phrases Solving a Misunderstanding Asking for Directions Emergency Survival Phrases Hotel Restaurant Travel Phrases Daily Expressions Cuss Words Polite Writing a Letter Short Expressions and words. Also dont forget to check the rest of our other lessons listed on Learn Dari. Enjoy the rest of the lesson Dari Phrases. Enjoy these Dari expressions, but dont forget to bookmark this page for future reference. English. Dari Phrases. N.1007611220_a9d1.jpg' alt='Phrases For Telephone Game' title='Phrases For Telephone Game' />Salam va ashnai. Hi Salam Good morning Sobh bekheir. Good afternoonBaad az zohr bekheir. Good evening Asr bekheir. Welcome to greet someoneKhosh amadid. Hello my friend Salam dooet e man. How are you friendlyHal e shoma chetoor ast. The telephones section is one of the subsections of the modern technology category. There are lots of FREE worksheets available on this topic for students of every. GZzIBNms/SloJ3LOGy3I/AAAAAAAAAK0/FvyLacg_Q28/s800/conversations.pngg' alt='Phrases For Telephone Game' title='Phrases For Telephone Game' />How are you politeChetoori. Im fine, thank you Man khoobam ,mersi. And you friendlyTu chetoori. And you politeVa shoma. Good. Khoob. Not so good. Na kheili khoob. Long time no see. Kheili vaghte ke too ra nadidam. I missed you. Delam barat tang shoodeh. Whats new Cheh khabar. Nothing new. Hich khabar. Thank you very much Mersi,mamnoon,kheili mamnoonYoure welcome Khahesh mikonam. My pleasure. Ba kamale meil. Come in Bia too Make yourself at home Inja khaneh shomast. Estelahate rayej baraye khodahafezi. Have a nice day Rooze khoobi dashteh bashid. Good night Shab bekheir. Good night and sweet dreamsShab bekheir va khabhaye shirin. See you later Baadan shoma ra bebinam. See you soon Bezoodi shoma ra bebinam. See you tomorrow Farda shoma ra bebinam. Good bye Khodahafez. Have a good trip Mosaferate khoobi dashteh bashid. I have to go. Man bayad beravam. I will be right backBarmigardam. Baraye kasi chizi arezoo kardan. Good luck Moafagh bashid. Happy birthday Tavaloodat mobarak. Happy new year Sale noo mobarak. Merry Christmas Krismass mobarak. Happy Eid. Sale noo mobarak. Happy Nowrooz. Eide shoma mobarak. Congratulations Tabrikat. Enjoy or bon appetitNooshejan. Bless you when sneezingAfiat bashad. Best wishes Ba behtarin arezooha. Cheers or to your healthBe salamati. Accept my best wishes. Behtarin arezoohayemara bepazir. Chetoorkhoodra moarefi konid. Whats your name Esme shoma chist. My name is John DoeEsme man. Nice to meet you Azdidane shoma khoshhalam. Where are you fromKojai hastidahle kodam keshvarhastidIm from the U. S IranMan ahle u. Im American IranianMan amrikaiparsi hastam. Where do you liveKoja zendegi mikonid. I live in the U. S IranMan daru. Do you like it here Aya anja ra doost darid Iran is a beautiful country. Iran keshvarezibai ast. What do you do for a living Shogle shoma chist Im a teacher student engineerShogle man moalem,daneshjoo,mohandesast. Do you speak English Persian Aya englisi parsi sohbat mikonid. Just a little. Faghat yek kam. I like Persian. Man zabane parsi ra doostdaram. Im trying to learn Persian. Man saay mikonam parsi yadbegiram. Its a hard language. Zabane sakhti ast. Its an easy language. An zabane asani ast. Oh Thats good Ah Can I practice with you Aya mi tavanam ba shoma tamrin konam. I will try my best to learn. Man say mikonam ke yad begiram. How old are you Shoma chand sal daridIm twenty one, thirty two years old. Man bist o yek saleh,si o doo salehhastam. It was nice talking to you Sohabat bashoma jalebboodazsohbat ba shoma khoshhal shodamIt was nice meeting you Az didane shoma khoshhal shodam. Mr. Mrs. Miss. Aghaye. This is my wife. In hamsar e zan e man ast. This is my husband. In shohare man ast. Say hi to Thomas for me. Az tarfe man betomas salam beresanid. Eshg. Are you free tomorrow evening Aya farda asr vaght darid. I would like to invite you to dinner. Man mayelam shoma ra be sham davat konam. You look beautifulShoma khoshgel ziba hastid You have a beautiful name. Shoma esme zibai darid. Can you tell me more about you Mishavad bishtar az khodetan begooid. Are you married Aya ezdevaj kardehid Im single. Man mojarad hastam. Im married. Man moteahel hastam. Can I have your phone numberAya mitavanam shomareh telephone shoma ra dashteh basham Can I have your email Aya mitavanam e maile shoma ra dashte basham. Do you have any pictures of you Aya axi az khodatdari Do you have childrenAya farzanddarid Would you like to go for a walk Doost darid ba ham ghadam bezanim I like you. Shoma ra doost darampolite formtu ra doost daram. Bon Jovi You Give Love A Bad Name Free Download there. I love you. Man asheghe shoma hastam. Youre very special Shoma kheili makhsoos hastid. Youre very kind Shoma kheili mehraban hastid. Im very happy. Man kheili khoshhalam. Would you marry meAya meil darid ke ba man ezdevaj konid. Im just kidding. Shookhi mikonam. Im serious. Jedi migooyam. My heart speaks the language of love. Ghalbam ba zabane eshgh sohbat mikonad. Hale yek soetafahom. Sorry or I beg your pardonBebakhshid. Sorry for a mistakeBebakhshid. No problem Mohem nist. Can you repeat pleaseAya mitavanid tekrar konid. Can you speak slowlyAya mitavanid yavash sohbat konid. Can you write it down Ayamitavanid an ra benevisid Did you understand what I said Aya motevajeh shodid. I dont understand Motevajeh nemishavam. I dont know Nemidanam. Whats that called in Persian Be dari che mishavad. What does that word mean in English An kalameh be englisi che mishavadHow do you say thanks in Persian Thank you be dari che mishavad. What is this In chist My Persian is bad. Dari man bad ast. Dont worry Negaran nabash. I agree with you. Man ba shoma movafegham. Is that right Aya an dorost ast Is that wrong Ayaan eshtabah ast What should I say Che bayad begoyam I just need to practice. Man faghat niaz be tamrin daram. Your Persian is good. Dari e shoma khoob ast. I have an accent. Man lahjeh darammanzoor in ast ke shoma nemitavanid begooid ke man irani hastam. You dont have an accent. Shoma lahje nadaridmanzoor lahjeh shoma shabihe mastDar khaste komak va rah porsidan. Excuse me before asking someoneBebakgshid. Im lost. Man gom shodeham. Can you help me Aya mitavanid be man komak konid Can I help you Aya mitavanam be shoma komak konamIm not from here. Man ahle inja nistam. How can I get to this place, this cityChe tor mi tavanambein mahal,in shahr beresam Go straight. Mostaghim beravid. Then. Baad az zohr bekheir. Turn left. Be chap bepichid. Turn right. Be rast bepichid. Can you show me Aya mitavanid be man neshan dahid. I can show you Mitavanam neshan daham Come with me Ba man biafriendly form,ba man biaidpolite formHow long does it take to get there Cheghadr tool mikeshad ta be anja beresam Downtown city centerMarkaze shahr. Historic center old cityMarkaze tarikhi. Its near here. An nazdike injast. Its far from here. An door az injast. Is it within walking distance Aya piadeh mitavan be anja resid Im looking for Mr. Smith. Man be donbale aghaye esmith migardam. One moment please Yek lahzeh lotfan. Hold on please when on the phoneLotfan khat ra negah darid. He is not here. Oo inja nist. Airport. Roroodgah. Bus station. Istgahe autobus. Train station. Istgahe gatar. Taxi. Tksi. Near. Nazdik. Far. Dour. Urgence va ebarate lazem baraye ebgha. Help Komak. StopStop Fire Atash Thief Dozd Run Bedo Watch out or be alertMoazeb bash Call the police Police raseda konid Call a doctor Doktor ra seda konidCall the ambulance Ambulance ra seda konid. Are you okay Haletan khoob ast I feel sick. Man mariz hastam. I need a doctor. Man be doktor niaz daram. Common French Phrases. These common French phrases will help you sound more like a native speaker. Learn them with free audio flash cards from a native French and the Lingo Dingo review game. English. French. What a shame Quelle honte. I cant believe it. Je ne peux pas le croire. What time is it Quelle heure est il Can you help me Pouvez vous maiderIm running late. Je suis en retard. Hows your family Comment va votre familleWhere do you work O travaillez vous Where are you from Do venez vousAre you from around here Vous tes dici Where do you live O vivez vous How old are you Quel ge avez vous Are you on Facebooktes vous sur FacebookWhats your phone number Quel est votre numro de tlphone What do you like to do Que voulez vous faire I need to use the restroom. Jai besoin dutiliser les toilettes. Ill be right back. Je serais de retour. Please repeat. Rptez sil vous plat I like your shirt. Jaime ton tee shirt. Are you kidding Tu plaisantesJust kidding. Cest juste une blague. Talk to you later. On se parle plus tard. See you soon A plus tard. Return to the French phrases page once you have impressed the natives with your knowledge of common French phrases. There are also many lists of common French words that you can learn for free. There are many free resources to help you learn French here at Visual Link Languages including the French verbs page.