Smart Note Taker Abstract Pdf
Posted in HomeBy adminOn 23/10/17Smart Note Taker Abstract Pdf' title='Smart Note Taker Abstract Pdf' />Livescribe Never Miss A Word. Smart Note Taker Seminar Report. The Smart Note Taker is such. Power Transmission via Solar Power Satellite PPT Full Report. Smart Note Taker,Ask Latest information,Abstract,Report,Presentation pdf,doc,ppt,Smart Note Taker technology discussion,Smart Note Taker paper presentation details. The Note Taker An assistive technology that allows students who are legally blind to take notes in the classroom. Ongoing work As shown earlier, adverse lighting conditions in the classroom, the students off center seating position, andlack of cleanliness of the chalkboardwhiteboard can result in aless than desirable video representation andrecording. To solve these problems, real time image processing techniques are being implemented to compensate for low light level, perspective distortion, lowcontrast, and visual noise in displayedcaptured video. In order to facilitate fast paced note taking, a method is being developed for insertion of video frames into the students notes in real time, which can then be annotatedwith digital ink. Smart Note Taker Seminar PPT with PDF Report The Smart Note Taker is such an awesome product which is satisfying many of its users these days. Note Taking Sheet PdfEarly results from our interviews of low vision students have led us to re examine some early design decisions. Tear For Fears Break It Down Again here. While handwritten note taking is central to success in STEM classrooms which typically employ mathematical notation it is not clear that handwritten notes would always be the most desirable option for students taking non STEM classes. Type written notes might be preferablefor some students in some classes. For students with very low vision, the design team is also planning to support audio recording without video. Finally, many users make use of screen magnificationsoftware, such as AI Squareds Zoomtext, Freedom Scientifics Magic, and Dolphins Lunar. However, we have found that there are significant problems with usingeach of the above screen magnifiersto take handwritten notes on Tablet PCs. Specifically, when using these screen magnifiers, the strokes seen on the display surface of the Tablet PC are not aligned with the stylus position, makingit impossible totake handwritten notes. We are currently planning to launch a project to develop magnifier software that will allow the use of magnification while takinghandwritten notes. Note Taking Programs' title='Note Taking Programs' />Automatic Note TakerFuture Work We believe that the note takingprocess is such an important component of the classroom learning experience that it needs to be better understood and facilitated. By providing detailed electronic records of the note taking process, the proposed Note Taker could also be a valuable research tool for 1 quantitatively evaluating the benefits of note taking, 2 training students in better methods ofnote taking, and 3 studying the way in which students with different cultural backgrounds conceptualize and master novel concepts when those concepts are firstencountered. The results of these studies could potentially have a significant impact on methods used for teaching, training, and learning for students, regardless of whetheror not they have visual disabilities. References1Statistical Snapshots American Foundation for the. Blind http www. Section. Section. ID1. 5. 2J. Hartley and I. K. Davies, Note taking A critical review, Innovations in Education and Teaching International,vol. R. J. Peper and R. E. Mayer, Generative Effects of Note Taking during Science Lectures, Journal of Educational. Psychology, vol. 7. G. O. Einstein and A. Smart notetaker 1. SMART NOTE TAKERPresented By Bhupesh 2. Smart note taker is a very useful product that could satisfy the needs of. Taker Research paper note smart pdf on. Others, Note Taking, Individual Differences, and Memory for Lecture Information., Journal of Educational Psychology, vol. R. J. Peper and R. E. Mayer, Note Taking as a Generative Activity, 1. Americans with Disabilities Act, Sec. Smart Note Taker Abstract Pdf' title='Smart Note Taker Abstract Pdf' />Examinations and Courses. Section 2. 08, 1. Low Vision Aids and Bioptics for Visual Impairments http www. Low. Vision Aids, Low. Vision Products, Assistive Technology from Enhanced Vision http www. S. Elrod et al., Liveboard a large interactive display supporting groupmeetings, presentations, and remote collaboration, Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems, Monterey, California, United States ACM, 1. S. Minneman et al., A confederation of tools for capturing and accessing collaborative activity, Proceedings of the third ACM international conferenceon Multimedia, 1. SMART Technologies, industry leader in interactive whiteboard technology, the SMART Board http smarttech. Interactive whiteboard, virtual whiteboard, whiteboards,mimio http www. Apreso http www. Auto. Auditorium System Home Page http www. George Weller, An Automatic Lecture Note Taker, Department of Computer Science, University of. Sheffield, 2. 00. G. Hughes and P. Robinson, Photonote evaluation aiding students withdisabilities in a lecture environment,Proceedings of the 9th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on Computers and accessibility,2. Diana M. Zuckerman, Blind Adults in America Their Lives and Challenges National Center for Policy Research for Women Families, Washington, DC, 2. Acknowledgement This materialis based in part upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number IIS 0. Any opinions,findings,and conclusions or. Smart Note Taker Seminar Report, PPT, PDF for ECE Students. Published on Dec 0. Abstract. The Smart Note. Taker is such a helpful product that satisfies the needs of the people in todays technologic and fast life. This product can be used in many ways. The Smart Note. Taker provides taking fast and easy notes to people who are busy ones self with something. With the help of Smart Note. Taker, people will be able to write notes on the air, while being busy with their work. The written note will be stored on the memory chip of the pen, and will be able to read in digital medium after the job has done. This will save time and facilitate life. The Smart Note. Taker is good and helpful for blinds that think and write freely. Another place, where our product can play an important role, is where two people talks on the phone. The subscribers are apart from each other while their talk, and they may want to use figures or texts to understand themselves better. Its also useful especially for instructors in presentations. The instructors may not want to present the lecture in front of the board. The drawn figure can be processed and directly sent to the server computer in the room. The server computer then can broadcast the drawn shape through network to all of the computers which are present in the room. By this way, the lectures are aimed to be more efficient and fun. This product will be simple but powerful. The product will be able to sense 3. D shapes and motions that user tries to draw. The sensed information will be processed and transferred to the memory chip and then will be monitored on the display device. The drawn shape then can be broadcasted to the network or sent to a mobile device. There will be an additional feature of the product which will monitor the notes, which were taken before, on the application program used in the computer. This application program can be a word document or an image file. Then, the sensed figures that were drawn onto the air will be recognized and by the help of the software program we will write, the desired character will be printed in the word document. If the application program is a paint related program, then the most similar shape will be chosen by the program and then will be printed on the screen. Since, JAVA Applet is suitable for both the drawings and strings, all these applications can be put together by developing a single JAVA program. The JAVA code that we will develop will also be installed on the pen so that the processor inside the pen will type and draw the desired shape or text on the display panel. TECHNICAL DEFINITION OF THE PRODUCTIn order to meet the technical requirements of the product we need Operating System Like Windows or Linux in order to implement software part of the project, Displacement Sensors to recognize the displacement of the pen in three dimensions, parallel cable to communicate with computer, software to solve the displacement data and finds the individual coordinate displacements in three axes and transform the data into text format, analog to digital converter to process analog displacement data and convert them into digital format, switch to control the pen and Rechargeable battery. Analog to digital converter Software program to convert data into text or string format Operating SystemParallel cable Switch Rechargeable battery Displacement Sensor. OPPORTUNITIES IN THE MARKET In the current market there are many similar products that are trying to convert handwritten documents into digital typed documents. In these products, optical sensors are being widely used to perceive the motion. Ink is also used on these products to be functioned as an ordinary pen. There are optical sensors on the pen. However, they have some lacks and imperfections such as being wired, limited in work space, non practical and limited in 2. D. TREATS IN THE MARKET Companies had succeeded to make similar products and put them in the market. Putting a newly invented, innovative product in the market is not easy. The prices in the market must be well observed for similar products. The prices of 2 D digital pens are about 5. The new product is 3 D Smart Note. Taker that has a memory chip on it in addition to the features that the previous pens have. SMART NOTETAKERS CONSUMER PROFILE AND. PURCHASE POWERSmart notetaker is incompatible among the other products. It has some significant differences from its potential competitors. This plays crucial role in the marketing strategy and attractiveness of product in the segmented market. The prior market is educational services and schools. In todays fast and information based life the faster and easier you get information, the more successful you are. The customers are going to be generally teachers and indirectly students. While lecturing the usage of the board for teachers and note taking for students cause dilute of time and sometimes it is embarrassing. In order to utilitize the time and to take more attention of students smart notetaker is a great solution, which transfers the notes of the teacher on the board to software directly. It optimizes efficiency of time that is used during the lecturing and it is desirable for the educational More Seminar Topics Cellular Positioning,Class D Amplifiers,Code Division Duplexing,Compact Peripheral Component Interconnect CPCI,Co operative cache based data access in ad hoc networks,Cor. 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